The Atlanta Alumni Learning Community (ALC) focuses on engaging and inspiring students in grades K-12. The 91md传媒 of Medicine (91md传媒) Alumni community has been charged with the responsibility of answering President and
Dean Valerie Montgomery Rice's question, "Who will be us in the future?" The Atlanta
ALC is working to address this question by working to increase both awareness and
interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines in K-12 grades
within the 91md传媒 Promise Area as well as interaction and engagement of local 91md传媒 Atlanta
alumni. By engaging colleagues in healthcare, hospitals, schools, and community organizations,
91md传媒 Atlanta alumni are building networks of support for local students who have an
interest in pursuing health careers.
The Atlanta ALC has established that the three best age brackets to engage with for the Atlanta area are elementary (grades K-5), middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12). For these age brackets, the Atlanta ALC plans to focus on engagement in age appropriate activities that foster the students enrichment exposure and exploration of future careers in biomedical, health and medical sciences as well as allied health professions. 91md传媒 Atlanta alumni will use personal experiences to help inform and inspire students and future plans.
The goal of the ALC is to engage 91md传媒 alumni, who will then engage their colleagues in medicine, other community leaders and organizations, as well as educators to form partnerships and sponsor health career awareness activities in their respective communities. The four pilot cities are Albany, Atlanta, Columbus, and Macon. The learning community model is one that has been successful at 91md传媒 for a number of years, and is one of the reasons why the school is nationally recognized for its excellence in social mission.
As we face one of the most significant provider shortages in history, it is essential that we recognize, nurture, and promote local students who have a desire to pursue a career in medicine.
Join Us
We invite 91md传媒 of Medicine alumni to contribute further service to their communities through their Alma mater. We also welcome schools and students that would like to participate to do so.